What Is Complete Angle

Charlotte Miller

What Is Complete Angle?

Are you curious to know what is complete angle? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about complete angle in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is complete angle?

In geometry, angles play a fundamental role in understanding the relationships between lines, shapes, and spatial configurations. One such concept is the complete angle, which refers to a full revolution around a point. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of the complete angle, explore its definition, properties, and practical applications, and understand its significance in geometry.

What Is Complete Angle?

A complete angle, also known as a full angle or a revolution, is an angle that measures 360 degrees or 2π radians. It represents a full turn or rotation around a point, starting from an initial position and returning to the same position after completing the entire revolution.

Properties Of The Complete Angle:

  1. Measure: The measure of a complete angle is 360 degrees or 2π radians. This measurement signifies a complete revolution or a full turn around a point.
  2. Subdivisions: A complete angle can be divided into smaller parts or subdivisions. For example, it can be divided into four equal parts of 90 degrees each, known as right angles, or into six equal parts of 60 degrees each, known as sextants.
  3. Additive Property: When two or more angles add up to a complete angle, they are said to be complementary. For instance, two complementary angles will have a combined measure of 360 degrees or 2π radians.

Practical Applications Of The Complete Angle:

  1. Navigation and Bearings: The concept of the complete angle is vital in navigation and determining bearings. A full circle is divided into 360 degrees, and each degree corresponds to a specific direction or bearing on a compass. This allows navigators, pilots, and surveyors to precisely determine directions and positions.
  2. Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent are used to analyze and solve problems involving angles. The complete angle plays a crucial role in trigonometry, providing a reference for understanding angles and their relationships in various geometric and mathematical applications.
  3. Geometry and Spatial Analysis: Understanding the complete angle is essential in geometric reasoning, spatial analysis, and transformations. It helps determine symmetry, rotational symmetry, and transformations involving rotations.

Significance Of The Complete Angle:

The complete angle serves as a reference point and a basis for understanding angles in various contexts. It provides a framework for measuring, comparing, and relating angles to one another. Moreover, it establishes a fundamental unit of measurement for angles, facilitating geometric calculations and spatial analysis.


The concept of the complete angle is a fundamental aspect of geometry and trigonometry. It represents a full revolution or a complete turn around a point, measuring 360 degrees or 2π radians. The complete angle’s properties, such as its measurement, subdivisions, and additive property, enable us to understand and work with angles effectively. From navigation to trigonometry and spatial analysis, the complete angle plays a crucial role in diverse fields and provides a foundation for studying angles and their relationships. By comprehending the complete angle, we gain a deeper understanding of geometry and unlock insights into the properties and behavior of angles within the realm of mathematics and beyond.


What Is A Complete Angle And Examples?

A complete angle is a full circle with a rotation of 360°. Whereas a reflex angle is a type of angle that measures more than 180° but less than 360°. For example, 192°, 250°, 178°, etc are all reflex angles.

What Is Complete Angle Class 6?

Complete angle: The angle whose measure is exactly ${{360}^{o}}$ is called a complete angle. Obtuse angle: Any angle whose measure is more than ${{90}^{o}}$ and less than ${{180}^{o}}$ is called an obtuse angle.

What Is A Complete Angle And A Full Angle?

A complete angle is also called a full angle, a round angle, or a perigon. We know that if two rays meet at a common point (vertex), then an angle is formed. It is measured in units like “degrees” or “radians.” If the amount of turn around a point is equal to 360 degrees then the angle formed is a complete angle.

What Is The Angle Of A Complete Angle?

The measure of a complete angle is given by exact 360° (360 degrees).


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What Is Complete Angle

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What is a complete angle?