Juliet D'cruz

Node.js and its Applications in the World of Web Development

The world of web development has dramatically evolved through the past few years with the assistance of JavaScript Frameworks. Today anyone designing a website will tap into the many JavaScript Frameworks, including the exciting software i.e., Node.js.

The structure of Node.js which is built on Chrome’s JavaScript v8 Engine is agreeable with data-intensive, two-way, real-time applications whose rich library of easy cross-platform solutions, does one job perfectly – Making the web developer’s work easy, efficient and flexible.

Node.js vs. Other Frameworks

Most server-side frameworks tend to work on a multi-thread system that often arises multiple complications. Throughput will decrease when the multiple limits have been reached, heavy traffic will need heavier expenses, becomes quite time consuming as the threads tend to wait for the specific I/O operations to finish, and more.

Node.js on the contrary operates on single-thread, solving all such complications. Moreover, its asynchronous architecture, unlike other frameworks, not only enables to handle multiple and heavy traffic with high throughput but also reacts to messages differently by sending them to the database, increasing efficiency. These are only a few of the many major reasons, why learning web developers seek out Node.js training over others. And if you are one of them, Knowledge Hut is the perfect resort for you, to master building both expert server-side and front-end cloud applications through extensively detailed Node.js training.

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Popular Web Names that Use Node.js

This perfect modern solution has caught the attention of many high-functioning websites, which are regular household names for many. PayPal, Uber, Netflix, eBay, Yahoo, Mozilla, and even LinkedIn are some of the names you and the millions recognize, that make use of Node.js® on their developmental projects. And what all these names have in common is the extensive traffic and excellent user interface and data handling.

Types of Applications that are Perfect to Build with Node.js

The non-blocking i/o attribute of Node.js, the powerful technology stack, a rich and extensive library, the enabled usage in micro-service architecture are a few of the reasons that make Node.js versatile to building many web applications. Here are the top 4 types for you:

Internet of Things (IoT)

Connecting multiple physical devices to the internet is one of the face technologies of this century. From household appliances to industrial ones, this often requires the handling of many devices and often needs data transferring from said devices to servers and from servers to the specific applications, and Node.js gets the job done well.

Streaming Applications

As established, Netflix makes use of Node.js and it is thanks to Node.js’ innate Stream API which enables transferring of application data from the executable code to local devices, keeping the connection open for downloading of data, even in absence of network connection.

Chat-interfaced Applications

The server-side nature of Node.js enables it to be used for structuring platforms that require real-time chatting on social networks, commercial sites, and many web applications.

Single-Page Applications

Complicated single-page applications with required seamless data updating and heavy workloads are capably backed with Node.js enabled by its strong runtime environment.

The fact that Node.js stands to be one of the most popular frameworks, sought out by web developers is anything but surprising.

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